Sunday I came home to a cryptic message on vm.
“Hey girl, I have something for you, give me a call when you get home”
Being insanely curious I called her back.
“I have something for you, I’ll have dear son run it on over”
A few minutes what arrives with ds—a big ole ziploc bag of Amish Friendship Bread starter.
Joy…kinda, sorta, maybe??
I know that Amish Friendship Bread is about sharing with friends, and apparently mostly about a whole bunch of calories packed into a yummy loaf of bread. However…this is the gift that keeps on giving.
and giving…
and giving…
and giving some more!! So is a gift that gives perpetually—and requires a perpetual amount of extra work REALLY a gift? That seems to me sort of like giving a pregnant bunny to a friend because bunnies are sweet and cute and fluffy. We should be smarter, we SHOULD, but we’re not.
So I’ve decided to be a TRUE friend today and I’m not giving starter away.
*ok, I did give one gladware of starter to a gal who popped by this morning and after we were chatting mentioned she’d NEVER had AFB or done the starter thing. Who am I to withhold this learning experience from her??*
I am making all the bread—4 large loaves and 4 small—and giving them to my friends ready made. Because I’m that kind of friend, I understand that gifts shouldn’t come with strings (or extra work) attached.
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